#54 Be Grateful for Icebergs

#54 Icebergs

What an awesome day it is today. So little time and so much I want to accomplish. I think time is the most valuable asset on our planet today. It I could get more of anything I would love to get more of time and tons of it 🙂

Life is too valuable to use your time on something that is not giving you knowledge, excitement or gratitude. It is time to take a look at what you are doing with the very limited time that you have to outlive your true self on this wonderful planet 🙂

So today I wanted to touch upon a thing that might not be a thing that people would be grateful for, but it is a amazing creation 🙂

Icebergs are floating around in our oceans today and I think we have a lot to learn from looking at a Iceberg. For example a Iceberg is only 10% above the water and 90% underneath. Isn’t that how our Conscious vs. unconscious mind works as well? Just food for thought.

So why should we be grateful for Icebergs?

  • Icebergs are beautiful.
  • It is full of fresh water.
  • It is big.
  • It is beautiful.
  • It has inspired people to explore for centuries.
  • It used to be a part of a glacier.
  • It is old.
  • It is white and blue.
  • It floats.

  • Every single one of them are unique 🙂
  • Polar bears love them.
  • It can be as big as an Island.
  • It is solid.
  • It can give us insight in how the environment was before.
  • It is coming from the worlds largest source of Fresh Water.
  • They are incredible to watch.
  • They express the greatness of our planet.
It is really cool to see a Iceberg floating around. When you see it you would only see a tiny bit of it. It might look big and strong still, but underneath you exists 8/9 of it. I think the Iceberg is a fantastic analegy when it comes to describing what people think when it comes to the truth. We think what we know is right, but sometimes that belief will be crushed with a new fact about your current truth that makes it obsolete. 

A great mentor of mine said once, “Don’t think you know the truth, rather think that you have discovered a part of a truth.” You should look him up he is a incredible human being with tremendous insights in human’s and the way we work. His name is George Zalucki and he has been one of my biggest mentors in life.

Travel to see the Icebergs!

How about travelling to the places where Icebergs are born? I highly suggest you do. Go and admire and express your gratitude for their existence 🙂 They are truly amazing creations one more uniquer than the other. Go to the North Pole, Canada, Greenland or other places to see this amazing creation of a new Iceberg. It is truly amazing to watch them in their creation 🙂


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Iceberg (disambiguation).

An iceberg in Greenland off Cape York

Aerial view of icebergs and glaciers at Cape York, Greenland

An iceberg is a large piece of ice from freshwater that has broken off from a snow-formed glacier or ice shelf and is floating in open water.[1][2] It may subsequently become frozen into pack ice. Alternatively, it may come to rest on the seabed in shallower water, causing ice scour (also known as ice gouging) or becoming an ice island.


Iceberg calved from the Ross Ice Shelf

The word “iceberg” is a partial loan translation from Dutch ijsberg, literally meaning ice mountain,[3] cognate to Danish IsbjergGerman EisbergLow SaxonIesbargSwedish Isberg and Norwegian Isfjell.


Because the density of pure ice is about 920 kg/m³, and that of sea waterabout 1025 kg/m³, typically only one-ninth of the volume of an iceberg is above water. The shape of the underwater portion can be difficult to judge by looking at the portion above the surface. This has led to the expression “tip of the iceberg“, for a problem or difficulty that is only a small manifestation of a larger problem.

Icebergs generally range from 1 to 75 metres (3.3 to 246 ft) above sea level and weigh 100,000 to 200,000 metric tons (110,000 to 220,000 short tons). The tallest known iceberg in the North Atlantic was 168 metres (551 ft) above sea level, reported by the USCG icebreaker East Wind in 1958, making it the height of a 55-storey building. These icebergs originate from the glaciers of western Greenland, and may have an interior temperature of -15 to -20 °C (5 to -4 °F).[4]


Though usually confined by winds and currents to move close to the coast, the largest icebergs recorded have beencalved, or broken off, from the Ross Ice Shelf of AntarcticaIceberg B-15, photographed by satellite in 2000, measured 295 by 37 kilometres (183 by 23 mi), with a surface area of 11,000 square kilometres (4,200 sq mi). The mass was estimated around three billion tonnes. The largest iceberg on record was an Antarctic tabular iceberg of over 31,000 square kilometres (12,000 sq mi) [335 by 97 kilometres (208 by 60 mi)] sighted 150 miles (240 km) west of Scott Island, in the South Pacific Ocean, by the USS Glacier on November 12, 1956. This iceberg was larger than Belgium.[5]

When an iceberg melts, it makes a fizzing sound called “Bergie Seltzer“. This sound is made when compressed air bubbles trapped in the iceberg pop. The bubbles come from air trapped in snow layers that later became glacial ice.[4]


So say thanks for all the amazing Icebergs out there and their unique position in the Earth’s well being 🙂

“The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-ninth of its bulk above water.” -Sigmund Freud

John Thore Stub Sneisen (c)

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